Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

I know-we've been here for a month already but bare with me while I retrace our steps. Zack's parents graciously (some would say in a moment of weakness) agreed to fly out to Wyoming and help us drive back. I booked the moving van which we quickly realized was too small as soon as we saw it. It said it would fit a 3 bedroom house-I guess they weren't counting on all of our junk. I had a near meltdown because I thought we were going to have to leave a lot of our things behind. But some dear friends of ours from church, Roy and Rheeda, came to the rescue and literally got 99% of our things on this truck. To say it was a long trip would be an understatement. Some might say it looked like the Beverly Hillbillies...and you would be right. However, we all made it safe and praise be to God! We are home sweet home and so grateful to be here. :)

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