Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Lily!

Lily's birthday was technically 2 weeks ago but we had her party a little late so that my mom could be here to celebrate! She made last minute plans for a quick trip out, vowing to never miss a birthday :) Since Lily's favorite thing is anything Sesame Street, we decided to go with a cookie monster theme. He is her favorite right after Elmo-and I couldn't bring myself to have an Elmo party... My mom and I made these cute little cupcakes and a cookie cake for Lily and we had a quiet little party in the park last Sunday after church. All of her friends from church came and they had such a blast. They were all a little blue when it was all said and done...oops. She is such an incredible little thing and we're thankful to God for every day of these last two years with her. We love you Lils! 
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gold Rush Days

This weekend we went to South Pass City. Its a little historic town about 30 miles from here that is kept as it was in its bustling days. Butch Cassidy supposedly came through here a lot and you can tour the hotel he stayed in. As you can see 5 people actually still live there. They were having a festival this weekend called Gold Rush Days to kind of re-enact what it was like to live there. There was a old-time baseball game going on, panning for gold, horseshoes, horserides and a concert. Lily even had a blacksmith make her a nail (which Daddy held safely). It was pretty fun until a storm came through and brought the cold wind with it. One day I will learn to always bring coats with us no matter what time of year it is.... 
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Friday, July 9, 2010

She talks :)

She's so excited to talk-she can't even blink!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yummmm...Apple Pie!

Every Wednesday night we cook for an older couple in town that we have grown to love. I think I have mentioned Howard and Vivian before (also known as How-a and Bibi-ent). We met them through one of Zack's friends and they are both 92 years old but as fun as people half their age. In the year that we've been doing this I have really been able to hone my cooking skills. Meaning I really had none before. (I mean unless you count cooking things from a box.) This is a southern couple from Georgia-so they know about home-cooked meals. It has been so fun to try new recipes (from scratch) and learn as I go. Of course sweet little Howard always acts like its the best thing he's ever tasted. Maybe its the humongous pitcher of sweet tea I bring every week in case all else fails. Its also a great time for Lily and now Annie to entertain-and be entertained-each week. They don't have any grandchildren so they have adopted ours;) Anyway, I have said all this to say that tonight I attempted Howard's favorite thing in the world-homemade apple pie! It smells so good. I just hope it tastes as good as it looks. Yummy! 
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July 4th

There is nowhere else I'd rather be on the 4th of July than Lander, Wy. It is such a neat little patriotic town. This is definately the biggest weekend in this town. They have a 5K run, parade, rodeo (which is oldest paid rodeo in the country), and a huge fireworks show. People come from everywhere to visit during this holiday. We were gearing up for a fun-filled weekend and turned cold again. Lily and Annie got to wear one of their outfits on Saturday but it got so cold on the 4th we had to go with plan B. The weather here is one thing I will never get used to. Never, have I EVER had to wear a coat on the 4th of July. Anyway, the fireworks were awesome and Lily got to stay up waaaay late to see them. She was so cute. She kept saying "I wuv you ider-works!" Haha. And everytime there was a pause in them she'd say "more please." What manners. Anyway, Sunday we went to church and then to the parade where she enjoyed dancing to all the music and gathering up lots of candy :) Annie, of course, slept through all of this. Then we went home to relax and cookout-and then eat indoors (brrr). It was a great weekend and one that we will cherish because once we move back to Al this is one time of year we're really going to miss about Wyoming. 
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July 4th Cont'd

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shots :(

Today was Annie's two month checkup. (I know- two whole months!) She did great, of course, and she weighed 10 lbs 1 oz. Growing girl! But when it was shot time, it broke my heart. I really can't stand seeing her upset. She was making noises I've never heard from her before. :( And they look at you with those eyes... Horrible. Anyway, we got home, settled, tylenoled up, and down for a nap. Later, Lily brought me all three of her band-aids. Hmmm. Had to go check and see if the poor baby still had skin where they once were.