Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It was just a matter of time...

...until they started dressing us alike! Oh well, we better get used to it. Thanks Googa and Grandaddy! :) 
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Day in the Life

Lily woke up this morning wanting Daddy. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. So I decided we would pack a lunch and go see Daddy. I had to time it just right (in between his schedule and Annie's feedings) so when the time came I was kind of in a hurry. I had to wake Annie up to get her in the carseat-which she was not happy about-and get all of our parephenalia ready to put in the car. Everytime I turned around Lily was saying "Mommy, here's her passie. Mommy here's her blanket." And she was unpacking everything... Then we are walking out the door and Lily says "Mommy, I pooped." Sigh. So I stopped and changed her. (I am aware that if she can tell me this then she should be able to do something about it-I'm working on that.) Then she insisted that she take some ceral with her to eat on the road. So I made that. Got all packed and headed out the door again and heard her say "Uh-oh" only to find that she had spilled the (dry) cereal all over the floor. So, I put everything down again to help her and when I turned around she had stepped all in it, trying to pick it up, and ground it all in the floor. Sigh. So then I had to get the broom and you know the rest. I'm telling you-its hard to be punctual with these two! Haha. I had to laugh. This is life these days and I am loving it. Its never boring!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lovely Ladies

These little girls are so much fun! Lily is really loving her little sister and I think Annie feels the same way. She started smiling whenever she hears Lily. It is the cutest thing. She is 7 weeks now and is getting so chubby. I love it! Lily also decided yesterday that she would use the potty again after a long hiatus. I wasn't prepared so when she did it and thought she needed a "prize", I had to dig out an old marshmallow from her Easter stash. Sad, I know, but she was proud of it just the same. The last picture is of her new tutu that she is obsessed with. Some sweet ladies at church got this for her at Annie's shower. She is so proud.... 
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

Today I am taking a break from talking about us to focus on someone else. For the past week the county we live in, especially our little town, has experienced some major flooding. It hardly ever rains here but it has been lately and that combined with the enormous amount of snow we've had this year has created quite a problem. I heard on the news here that this winter was the third snowiest on record. I know I always joke about how lucky we were to be able to experience that (not really), but as it gets warmer and all of that snow melts in the mountains-it is making its way downhill to our town. The quiet little Popo Agie river that flows so nicely all through our town is now raging waters. We live smack dab in the middle of town and thankfully have not had any problems but those who live near it have. It has destroyed bridges, houses, farms etc. National guardsmen have been here sandbagging and cleaning around the clock. I just wanted to take a moment to mention these people and ask you to keep them in your prayers. For a look at some of the damage check out this link: http://www.facebook.com/FremontCountyFlood2010

(I don't think you have to be a member of facebook to view this)

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Face of an Angel....

Lily found my makeup. Mascara. Waterproof. Nice. 
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Watch out!

This is the look of a sneaky little girl who when I walked away for a second covered her innocent little sister in stickers....poor girl. 
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