Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winter, winter

For those of you who talk to us often, you know that we are a touch tired of winter weather... This one in particular has been especially long. Last winter, we had just moved here and everything was new and exciting. We made snowmen and snow angels and, well, it was fun. I don't know if it is the enormous amount of snow we've had this year or just being a little homesick but we are definately ready for spring. Did I mention that Wyoming has the most amazing summers? Ahh, no humidity, open windows and lots of walks and time outside. Anyway, the point of this is that we have taken for granted the beauty that is truely all around us here. This will be our last year here and we will treasure all the memories we've made. I know we will also look back on this time and wish we had treasured it a little more. Last weekend was Zack's birthday and we went to Jackson Hole to celebrate. We went on a sleigh ride through the elk refuge and Lily and her daddy loved it! (Once last year was enough for me) She kept pointing at them and saying "Deer, Deer!" We also saw two moose (in the first pic-look close) It is truely a beautiful place to be. But I still wouldn't mind a day of temperatures above freezing... 
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My new hobby

My sweet husband got me the best gift back in September...a sewing/embroidery machine! I had really wanted it for a while and done quite a bit of convincing before he went for it. However, just about the time it arrived in the mail I found out I was expecting again and found myself spending most of my time on the couch or hovering the toilet. Ugh. There was also the other fact that I have never touched a sewing machine before. So, it took a while to teach myself how to use it but now I am loving it! Here are a few things I have been working on lately... 
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Friday, February 5, 2010

Funny Story

Although not really at the time.... Today, I had an intense craving so we headed to the grocery store (which is my second home). Lily has become really independant and hates to ride in the cart, after all she is a "big girl" and would rather walk. So, we were on a mission for only two things (powdered doughnuts and mozzerella sticks-mmmm) and I thought she could walk beside me and hold my hand this time. She did great-feeling all grown up and smiled and waved at everyone. And then just as we were headed to the check-out she spotted it...a valentine display! Ugh, with hundreds of stuffed animals and chocolate galore-her two favorite things. She took off running and immediately latched on to one of the bears. I tried to quietly explain that yes, it was cute but put it back we have 20 of those at home. Nope. Her first real grocery store meltdown with flailing body parts and crying. So with everyone's eyes on me, I tried to calmly lean down, pick her up and look her right in the eyes to tell her to stand up and hold my hand and we were going-without the bear. She got over it and we got out of there as quickly as possible. Oh the good ole times. I'm sure this will not be the last time we do this and I'm sure it will be worse somewhere else. However, for the most part I should say that she is well-behaved and loving (with a side of stubborness) and very, VERY entertaining.
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