Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Day of Spring

Well, the first day of spring didn't really pan out. We got this much snow! The good thing is that it already melted and the bad thing is I know this is still not the last of it. Oh well, at least the temps are high enough to melt this stuff quickly. Yesterday was lovely and we spent it pretty much outside all day. You can see farmer Lily had fun outside with Daddy. Unfortunately, he left for a trip for work today so its just us this week. We miss you and love you! 
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our BIG day!

Lily got a potty for Christmas and that has pretty much been the extent of our potty training. I have to admit I haven't been much in the mood to teach her and thought it was a little soon. Also, I didn't want to put too much on her before this next baby is born. However, I have shown it to her and mentioned what it was for. This morning, we were eating breakfast and she just looked at me and said "tee tee" and pointed to the bathroom. I thought she was just joking but I took her anyway and she did just that! I was ectstatic! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Of course I made a huge deal about it and gave her a little treat (I've heard people say they do this, although I admit I know nothing about this). So off we went to the store to get her some big girl panties! She chose Dora ("dorey") of course- ugh -but who can complain with and accomplishment like this! Needless to say, we have been working on this all day and I'm up to my eyeballs in tee-tee and exhausted to boot. But I'm determined that if she's ready, then I will be too! 
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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Oh, how I love spring. The sunshine, the warmth, just soaking up the day... We got a little taste of that this weekend and it tasted good! After and approximate 10 inches of snow on Friday (which was mixed with rain so it didn't stick!), Saturday was absoulutely beautiful! We stayed outside most of the day and Lily, like me, did not want to go inside. We've been couped up for far too long. We took a very long walk and about halfway through town I realized I may have to call Zack to come rescue us. But, it was so nice to get out and get a little exercise. It really is amazing how a little sun and some fresh air can lift your spirits. With about 7 weeks left until baby #2 arrives, we were more than happy to have a lovely day outside just the three of us.... 
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Boo Boo Day

For the record, the lineup for today was looking pretty good. We had breakfast with a friend, storytime at the library and the weather outside is actually beautiful! Didn't even need coats today! However, halfway through breakfast Lily was happily playing with some other kids she just met and fell and hit a chair. She's pretty tough and never cries when she falls so when she started screaming and holding her eye I knew something was wrong. I ran over and there was blood all over her hand and she had a pretty good cut on her eyelid. My sweet baby has had little more than a scratch on her in all her 19 and half months so I was silently freaking out. However, she quickly got over it and thought it was pretty neat to get a cool rag to hold on her boo boo. Then as we arrived at storytime she had to show all of her friends and she was squinting her eyes and saying "Oooooooh." And she was holding that rag on the wrong eye! She is so funny...and a little dramatic I must say. Oh well, when we got home she had recieved a box in the mail from Grandmama (perfect timing!) and she was very happy with her bunny sucker. Not to mention she's been very cuddly today as well. Turned out to be a great day regardless... By the way, it looks much worse in person and is swollen and blue now.
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