Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas in Dixie

We had a great trip home for Christmas! It was a whirlwind, but so good to see all of you. Here are a few pics from our trip. This was Lily's first ride on an airplane...she was in awe of this adventure and didn't cry a bit. In fact her eyes were this big the whole time! Aunt Amy and Aunt Jennie...
Here is her first Christmas morning. She was just as excited with all the wrapping paper as she was with her toys.

Lily with her Grandaddy and Auntie Kristie.

Christmas in Dixie 2

Lily and her cousin Sadie got matching pajamas for Christmas. Here is Lily with a few of her cousins...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Five Whole Months!

Here she is...5 whole months old! Time sure flies when your having fun! I just wanted to post a quick pic of my sweet little one before we're off to Bama for the holidays. Can't wait to see all of you!
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Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas in WY

With snowfall on the ground, its beginning to look a lot like Christmas here! We took Lily to a Christmas celebration downtown and had a blast. She got her first look at Santa and even had her face painted! We're looking forward to seeing it all through her eyes this year..
Afterwards, we went back home to warm up. Lily and Sawyer showed off their face paintings.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful Thanksgiving

How exciting! My parents came to visit for Thanksgiving and we had such a great time. Not to mention my first time to host a thanksgiving dinner... Zack and Lily are ready to carve the turkey!
TaDa! Isn't she pretty! It tasted good too, however I can't take much of the credit for this. I had a lot of help from the cook in our stepdad, Mike.

By the way...ROLL TIDE!

After such a great Thanksgiving... Christmas here we come!