Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sled Time

We decided to make the most of this weather and took Lily sledding. We have been (and by we I mean Zack, and I just watch and wave from the window) pulling her around the yard on this sled but that was getting a little old. Some friends of ours from church live in a beautiful house outside of town and invited us to do the real thing. It was a lot of work (again, for Zack) and the snow was so deep out there. It took a few tries to get the hang of it since we are not pros at snow ourselves. I'm sure Zack burned quite a few calories doing this. I was the official photographer. We weren't sure if Lily liked it or not because she did not smile at all and just had a worried look on her face. However, when we started to leave she pitched a huge fit and cried so I guess she did like it. It was a beautiful, quiet afternoon in God's creation and I'm sure we'll do it again! 
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

Last weekend we packed up and headed to Billings, Montana for the weekend. We had a blast shopping, eating at some of our favorite places and the best thing was that we got to take Lily to the zoo for the first time. She is an absolute animal lover and she did not get this from me. She had the best time. She oohed and ahhed through the whole thing along with making each of the animal noises as she watched them. It was actually nice weather even though we look bundled up. Her favorite was the barn with regular ole barn animals like ducks, chickens and horses. Zack says thats good because we can have all of those things when we move back (yeah right). Anyway, she made the 5 hour (one way) drive like a champ. I think she was just as excited to get out of the house as we were! 
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

18 Months

I can't believe my baby is 18 months old now. Where has the time gone? Today, we had a little photo shoot at home (since its freezing out) and here are some of my faves. We had Lily's 18 mo checkup this week and she's still tall and still a little skinny thing. She still only weighs 21 lbs. The doctor says shes just going to be small but she should hit a growth spurt soon. She is talking up a storm repeating everything she hears. The cutest is when she says "more please" when she needs a refill even though it sounds more like "mo peas". Just about melts my heart. God has blessed us with such a smart little girl and I just know she is going to be a great big sister (ok...I'll go cry now)! 
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lily and the fam...

I know Christmas is over...I was just looking through the pics and decided to share a few more of my faves. It's not often we get to go home and visit everyone so its hard to get it all in one post. Since we have arrived back, we (and by we I mean me) are focused on baby mode. I am trying to get the clothes prepared, the baby toys out, and spruce up the place. We don't know what this baby is (although we are convinced it is another girl:) so preparing for the unknown is not something I am accustomed to. However, I am so excited about what 2010 is going to bring our family. A new baby, a BIG move back to AL and Zack starting a career there. And most of all, we are looking forward to lots more of these pics and lots more time with family and friends! Happy New Year! 
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